Advance Shipment Requirements
Vendor Verification Sheet
Effective: August 27, 2002
Instructions: Please print, sign and fax this document to:
Supplier Compliance Department
FAX # (215) 430-4584
Vendor Name: ___________________________________________________________ |
Address: _______________________________________________________________ |
City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________ |
Vendor ASN Contact: _______________________________________________ |
Phone: __________________E-mail_________________________________________ |
Fax: ___________________ |
Vendor EDI Contact: _____________________________________________________ |
Phone: _________________E-mail:_________________________________________ |
Fax: ___________________ |
I have read Pep Boys
856 Advance Ship Notice RequirementsEffective: August 27, 2002
________________________ |
____________________________ |
______________________ |
Any questions may be faxed to (215) 430-4584
Attn: EDI/ASN Coordinator or call (215)-430-9095 ext. 9826